Daniel Ash – PFI Intermediate Course

I have been free diving and spearfishing for about 3 years and I would say in the last year I really have had the desire to start diving deeper. I made it my New Years resolution to freedive 100 feet and thanks to Ted Harty’s class I was able to check that goal off my list! Before my class my max depth was 60 feet and I was limited by my equalization technique and comfort level and after his course I hit 115 feet! I was truly impressed with Ted’s teaching technique and everything was a gradual increase slowly building technique and comfort. This class exceeded my expectations! Ted has not only made me a much safer diver but a much deeper diver. I would recommend novice to experienced divers to take his course. It will forever change the way you dive.


Daniel Ash

Daniel Ash July 2015 4 day PFI Intermediate course

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