
Check out our online freediving educational videos.

“What to say about Ted Harty owner of Immersion Freediving… Some may know him by Capt America, Aqua Man, team Captain of the 2012 U.S. freedive team orU.S constant weight record holder. Regardless of how you know of Ted Harty the one thing everyone can agree on is that when it comes to freedive education it’s almost impossible to top his courses.”

“I just finished Ted Harty’s Intermediate Freediver Course, and it was one of the most content-rich, empowering, and exhilarating experiences I’ve ever had.

“I live and dive, 99% in Ontario, Canada, mostly in the St. Lawrence river, the 1000 islands region. I had found freediving and spearfishing on the Internet, 2 years prior, and had ” self-taught” myself how to do it, or so I thought. Sure, I bought the stuff, and read Spearing magazine, shot fish, and dove holding my breath to do it, but that was the extent of my “knowing “, ANYTHING about safety, physiology, and techniques important to staying alive in this game.”

“If, like me, you’re mainly a spearfisherman, you’ll learn a lot of things that also apply to spearfishing. In fact, everything you’ll learn applies to spearfishing as well. More than anything, if like for me this is your first freediving course, you need to approach it with an open mind: not only most (if not all) of what you learn will directly translate into spearfishing, but the approach Ted teaches is likely radically different from anything you’ve known or done so far.”

“What to say about Ted Harty owner of Immersion Freediving… Some may know him by Capt America, Aqua Man, team Captain of the 2012 U.S. freedive team orU.S constant weight record holder. Regardless of how you know of Ted Harty the one“It seemed like this was going to be a no brainer. I would just need to train to hold my breath longer. While the theory and safety aspects of the class were easy to pick up, there was one fundamental skill required in order to be a free diver that completely eluded me. The Frenzel Technique of clearing your ears. All the other divers were able to pick it up so easily. It seems my years of experience actually put me at a disadvantage. Evidently my body had naturally found a way to equalize in the past and I had been using it habitually for 38 years.” thing everyone can agree on is that when it comes to freedive education it’s almost impossible to top his courses.”

“First of all just to give a little background about my “freediving” prior to taking the course, I would have called myself a pretty serious spear-fishermen for the last 3-5 years diving fairly comfortably at depths ranging from 10-65feet. I had reached depths just over 80 feet on my own and by no means had any sort of comfortable hunting time there and had a personal best static breath hold of just over 3 minutes. ”

“What to say about Ted Harty owner of Immersion Freediving… Some may know him by Capt America, Aqua Man, team Captain of the 2012 U.S. freedive team orU.S constant weight record holder. Regardless of how you know of Ted Harty the one thing everyone can agree on is that when it comes to fr“Many participants of PFI courses taught by Ted Harty have written about his skill in the water, where he indeed is like a “merman:” amazingly, Ted goes down with each diver on every dive, giving feedback during the dive if possible via signals or sounds, and right after surfacing (well, he does wait for you to do the “cleansing” breaths). During the pool time and ocean dives, he proves to be an extremely patient instructor—even when someone like me keeps making the same mistake over and over, say looking down on the descent…”eedive education it’s almost impossible to top his courses.”

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