Bill Kyser – PFI Intermediate Course

Here is recent view from Bill Kyser founder of special forces training academy based in Fort Lauderdale.

Bill Kyser just finished the Immersion Freediving 4 day PFI Intermediate course. He has a strong military background, fitness trainer since 82 and currently designs training program for military special ops programs through his special forces training academy. He just finished the course and here is his review.

I just finished Ted Harty’s Intermediate Freediver Course, and it was one of the most content-rich, empowering, and exhilarating experiences I’ve ever had.

Being a recreational athlete for over 50 years (I’m 63), I was a little cautious about what risks would exist throughout 3 days of ocean diving (it’s a 4 day course), but Ted engineers every risk down to a very manageable level, making each student more comfortable, relaxed, and ready for challenge. Moreover, he encourages you to discover your own comfort level, evaluates your performance and then offers sound strategies, enabling you to make immediate positive corrections.

By adhering to the highest safety standards possible, Ted Harty empowers his students to explore where their true potential lies, and provides constant support in the form of constructive correction and positive reinforcement.
With over 50 years of embracing almost every land, sea, and air based recreational pursuit, I’ve been through many tech schools, workshops, certification and skills acquisition courses, and Ted Harty’s Immersion Freediving Programs are, in my opinion, one of the safest, organized, and most empowering experiences I have ever had. Everyone experienced dramatic improvement over this 4 day course–some reached ocean depths on a single breath of over 100 ft., others extended their breath hold capacity to over 4:30, and we all discovered how to dive deeper, reach our maximum depth more relaxed & comfortable, stay longer, and spear more fish, much, much safer!
Thanks Ted! Your Immersion Freediving Course ROCKS!

Bill Kyser Owner Special Forces Training Academy 2014 June Intermediate Course

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