Tuesday’s Tip #1 Test if you are overweighted for spearfishing

Check out all of my Tuesday Tip videos below.


Tuesday Tip #1 How to test if you are overweighted http://bit.ly/2vLfTSp

Tuesday Tip #2 Why you should be close enough to grab http://bit.ly/2unfz91

Tuesday Tip #3 Why you should remove your snorkel why freediving http://bit.ly/2ws0lB2

Tuesday Tip #4 For your buddy who gets sick on the boat but is not “sea sick” http://bit.ly/2uncHZP

Tuesday Tip #5 Myth of I know my limits I don’t push myself http://bit.ly/2vjG68s

Tuesday Tip #6 Why use a float line in dirty water http://bit.ly/2wrIpGK

Tuesday Tip #7 How to stop losing your buddy http://bit.ly/2wG1ZhE

Tuesday Tip #8 Tips for the ears http://bit.ly/2vMZbDa

Tuesday Tip #9 What does a surface freediving blackout look like http://bit.ly/2umZLqF

Tuesday Tip #10 Freediving diets vs proper preparation for a spearfishing trip http://bit.ly/2vMPa8P


You can find out more about my 3 day PFI Freediver classhttps://immersionfreediving.com/pfi-freediver-course/

You can find out more about my 4 day PFI Intermediate classhttps://immersionfreediving.com/pfi-intermediate-freediver-course/

See course schedulehttps://immersionfreediving.com/pfi-intermediate-freediver-course/#signup


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