Drew Offerdahl – PFI Intermediate Course

If you’re serious about becoming a better and safer diver, go to Immersion. And if money is your complaint, there is no such thing as a cheap free diving coarse. So if you’re going to spend the money, spend it right. Since you’re reading this, you’ve probably already read a dozen other testimonials from divers who increased their static breathholds holds by multiple minutes, broke 100ft (doubling their previous depths), and can’t shut up about how unsafe their diving procedures were before taking a course with Immersion. After taking the PFI Intermediate course with Ted, there’s not much more I can say, other that those guys were right, and Immersion Free Diving is the best out there.

First off, Ted’s an awesome guy with an abundance of experience and passion for the sport of free diving . That, along with the small class size of up to 5 students, allows you to get the most for your money as well as the support and confidence you’d want when pushing your body to it’s limits. Between our 2 ocean sessions, I watched Ted follow each of us on over one hundred dives, which made it much easier for me to hit my personal best dive of 100′, breaking the previous of 65′.

However, since taking the course what I appreciate the most is now knowing how to dive safely. Again, you’re probably sick of reading about dive safety in almost every testimonial, but there’s probably a good reason why. Looking back on how I dove and spearfished before taking this class is just scary. It’s something I’ll never go back to. Immersion will teach you everything you need to know about Shallow Water Blackouts, from prevention to the science and physiology behind them, allowing you and your buddy to dive another day. And that’s what it’s all about.

There’s no better place to go. You know it, so take the dive. Immersion Free Diving.

Drew Offerdahl July 2013 Intermediate

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