Learn more about the mammalian dive reflex

Here is a video discussing the mammalian dive reflex  I made to go along with an article I wrote for www.SpearingMagzine.com

In the article, I discussed why spearfishermen should consider holding their breath on the couch if they have been out of the water for a while to help get their mammalian dive reflex tuned up.  This video elaborates on what the dive reflex is and how you can use it to help you on your next spearfishing trip.

Check out all of my Tuesday Tip videos below.

Tuesday Tip #1 How to test if you are overweighted http://bit.ly/2vLfTSp

Tuesday Tip #2 Why you should be close enough to grab http://bit.ly/2unfz91

Tuesday Tip #3 Why you should remove your snorkel why freediving http://bit.ly/2ws0lB2

Tuesday Tip #4 For your buddy who gets sick on the boat but is not “sea sick” http://bit.ly/2uncHZP

Tuesday Tip #5 Myth of I know my limits I don’t push myself http://bit.ly/2vjG68s

Tuesday Tip #6 Why use a float line in dirty water http://bit.ly/2wrIpGK

Tuesday Tip #7 How to stop losing your buddy http://bit.ly/2wG1ZhE

Tuesday Tip #8 Tips for the ears http://bit.ly/2vMZbDa

Tuesday Tip #9 What does a surface freediving blackout look like http://bit.ly/2umZLqF

Tuesday Tip #10 Freediving diets vs proper preparation for a spearfishing trip http://bit.ly/2vMPa8P


You can find out more about my 3 day PFI Freediver classhttps://immersionfreediving.com/pfi-freediver-course/

You can find out more about my 4 day PFI Intermediate classhttps://immersionfreediving.com/pfi-intermediate-freediver-course/

See course schedulehttps://immersionfreediving.com/pfi-intermediate-freediver-course/#signup

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