Taylor – PFI Freediver Course

Hey Ted, Thanks for a great weekend. My initial interest in taking your course was all about increasing my bottom time while spearfishing, however, the more I thought about it my goals changed. My primary reason for attending your 3 day beginner course was now to make myself a safer free dive spearfisherman and did I ever attend the right class! I came away after 3 long days of classroom, pool and ocean sessions feeling very good about what I had learned. I have been a certified scuba diver / spearfisherman since 1968 and I learned more in 3 days than I have in the last 47 years and I thank you! I am very confident that I would now be able to use the training you provided to save someone in the event of a LMC or Blackout.

In regard to my increased bottom time, I now have the techniques needed to improve in this area but also understand there was no “ trick “ or special tip to make this happen overnight. However, with regular practice using the tools you gave me I am confident that over time I will substantially improve in this area as well. All I can say is the time , effort and money I spent to spend 3 days in your course was more than worth it and I would highly recommend specifically for anyone interested in taking this type of course to choose Immersion. Thanks again! Taylor

Taylor October 2015 3 day PFI Freediver course

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