Noel Skwiot – Testimonial

Ted Harty is a record holding competitive freediver who is eager to share the “secrets” to successful diving to depth-safely. While he continues to seek out new information about the sport’s techniques from top professionals that he is acquainted with, he willing shares this information in the training course.

His Immersion Freediving course combines topics on safety in water with breath-hold and diving techniques that enabled me to overcome my limitations with getting to depth with relative comfort. The course is procedural in that Ted presents a process during class session (whether in water or classroom) and then patiently coaches students of knowledge learned to achieve success with that process. Then the processes are combined for successful safe deep diving in relative comfort.

Ted’s Immersion Freediving course has absolutely improved my breath-hold, safety, and the way I dive. He will recognize any inefficiencies you have with your dive and with corrections enable you to perform better, safer, and with greater comfort deeper. I highly recommend this course for everyone, especially those “highly experienced” spearfishermen.

Noel Skwiot May 2016 4 Day PFI Intermediate Course

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